Tag Archives: make today a great day

Make Today A Great Day

21 Sep

Today I hop on the new leaf I’ve recently turned over and created my personal brand: Sumer Style! There are still many things to work our like design elements and basic logistics.. however, I could not wait another day to jump on my leaf and begin the ride of a lifetime.

I’ll keep this first post short by quickly explaining my purpose..

Everyday we wake up and are given a new day to do with it, what we will. I will share health, beauty and style information that you can use to make your day as good as I want to make mine. Life’s too short to dwell on the negative, and it makes me sad to see so many people I love stuck in the ruts. SO – lets start the campaign of making every day a great day! A SumerStyle day!

P.S. The leaf I speak of was my recent decision to become an independent Mary Kay consultant. One of my very best and dearest friends from college, a sorority sister and hero.. finally broke me down into joining her Mary Kay team! I’ll talk more about how she broke me down, why this was a great decision for me and why you should care within future posts.

Refocus.. Back to today’s theme.. I’m here, I’m happy to be here and I’m ready to make today a great day!

Are you ready to make today a great day?

Let’s do it!